Frequently Asked Questions
Wood burning and Pellet burning units
Am I contributing to a greener Earth by heating with biomass?
Yes - Wood, pellets and other biomass materials are renewable fuels, derived from trees and plants. Burning biomass
is considered carbon-neutral, as only the carbon the plant absorbed when growing is released. Whether the wood burns
or decompses, the same amount of carbon is released, with virtually no green house gas effects. In fact, burning wood
in one of our EPA-certified clean-burning units eliminates approximately 75-percent of carbon emissions accociated with fossil
fuel heating. All Harman biomass products that qualify for the tax credit also qualify within green building programs,
such as LEED for homes.
Are wood burnign fireplaces, stoves and inserts efficient?
Yes - Technological advancements have made today's wood stoves, fireplaces and inserts significanly more efficient that
dated models. Harman EPA-certified wood burning units are highly efficient, producing more heat with less wood to provide
warmth and comfort for many hours. They are the cleanest burning wood appliances available today, with low ash and minimal
outside air emissions. This is made possible by complete combustion, consisting of high temperatures, ample oxygen and
sufficient burnign of gases before being exhausted. complete combustion can also eliminate the accumulation of creosote,
a flammable chimney residue.
How efficient are pellet burning units? Are they easy to use?
Pellet appliances have great heating efficiencies and low emissions. Harman pellet units burn cleaner than virtually
any other biomass fueled appliance and produce minimal particulate matter, helping to control air pollution. They are
easy to operate with built-in fuel hoppers and feeding devices that move pellets in small groups to the combustion chamber,
where they produce a beautiful, robust fire. The various models have control panels that regulate heat and minimize
fuel consumption.
What are pellets made from and how expensive are they?
Pellets are made from compacted sawdust, wood chips, bark, agricultural crop waste, waste paper and other organic materials.
Burning them to produce heat is a constructive way to reuse material that may otherwise go to a landfill. Wood pellets
are typically purchased in 40-pound bags for between$5 and $7, providing up to 24 hours of steady heat. When compared
to the volatile prices of electricity, gas and oil, the price of a bag of wood pellets has remained predictable for the past
decade. Pellets can be purchased at a variety of places - from big box hardware retailers to local farm and garden stores.
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